
Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artificial Intelligence. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Elon Musk unveils Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot that utilizes vehicle AI

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says his company is working on a humanoid robot and that it will build a prototype “sometime next year.” The humanoid robot will leverage Tesla’s experience with automated machines in its factories, as well as some of the hardware and software that powers the company’s Autopilot driver assistance software.

The Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot the carmaker uncovered Thursday evening.

Tesla Chief Elon Musk on Thursday divulged a humanoid robot considered the Tesla Bot that sudden spikes in demand for a similar artificial intelligence utilized by Tesla’s armada of self-ruling vehicles. A working form of the robot didn’t show up during Musk’s uncover, however a marginally strange dance by an entertainer dressed like a Tesla Bot did.

The unexpected uncover came toward the finish of Tesla’s artificial intelligence Day show, with Musk giving not many insights regarding the marginally dreadful, Slenderman-like robot past a couple of PowerPoint slides. The 5-foot-8-inch robot is relied upon to weigh in at 125 pounds and be worked from “lightweight materials,” he said.

Its head will be kitted out with the autopilot cameras utilized by Tesla’s vehicles to detect the climate and will contain a screen to show data. Inside, it will be working by means of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving computer.

“It’s intended to be friendly,” Musk kidded, “and navigate through a world built for humans.”

The robot’s appearance came following an hour and a half show specifying a portion of the artificial intelligence updates driving Tesla’s electric vehicles, including the Dojo supercomputer, which helps train vehicles to explore city roads without human assistance. “It’s a good idea to put that onto humanoid structure,” Musk said.

Three slides nitty gritty the robot’s proposed determinations, and Musk ensured he called attention to that you could both beat the Tesla Bot and “overpower” it. He has, before, jumped on the utilization of robots as weapons and cautioned of the dangers artificial intelligence may present — when considering it the “greatest danger we face as a civilization.” I surmise in case they’re your unbelievably sluggish, simple to-overpower robots, the dangers are diminished.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says his company is working on a humanoid robot and that it will build a prototype “sometime next year.” The humanoid robot will leverage Tesla’s experience with automated machines in its factories, as well as some of the hardware and software that powers the company’s Autopilot driver assistance software.
Tesla plans to have a prototype of a humanoid robot next year.

“We ought to be stressed over artificial intelligence,” Musk emphasized during an inquiry and answer meeting after the show. “What we’re attempting to do here at Tesla is make valuable man-made intelligence that individuals love and is … unequivocally great.”

One specific slide said the Tesla Bot would dispose of “perilous, monotonous, exhausting assignments,” and Musk gave a model, proposing the robot could be advised to “go to the store and get … the accompanying food.” Not that such an undertaking is especially perilous, but rather you may think that it is monotonous and exhausting.

Musk, inclined to offering intense expressions about the future, riffed a little on how he imagines Tesla Bot changing the future of work, as well. “This, I think, will be very significant,” he said. “Basically, in the future, actual work will be a decision. Assuming you need to do it, you can, yet you will not have to do it.”

It’s difficult to say how distant a particularly future may be, yet there’s a gigantic hole between flaunting a couple of PowerPoint slides and conveying a real, working humanoid robot. It’s presumably going to be an extended period of time before you get your bread and milk through the Tesla Bot, however, Musk said, a model will probably be prepared one year from now.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Retailers Embrace AI Tech for Improved Customer Experience


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Artificial Intelligence is becoming ordinary across significant industries and retail is no exception.The retail industry is searching for approaches to stay aware of the occasions and numerous companies have begun implementing AI innovation over the whole item and service cycle – from get together to post-deal client assistance interactions.Major retailers, for example, Walmart, Sephora, Walgreens, North Face, Uniqlo, West Elm, and Macy's are utilizing AI to upgrade customers' experiences at their stores while additionally improving security. Artificial intelligence Applications in Retail While equipment monster Lowe's uses little robots to give headings and assist customers with exploring a huge tool shop, Walgreens is utilizing innovation to follow the spread of influenza, in view of the areas of customers getting solutions so they can make customers aware of this season's virus movement in their general vicinity and stock more influenza related products.Another model is cosmetics organization Sephora, which currently utilizes AI innovation in huge numbers of its stores to examine customers' countenances and assist them with picking the ideal shade of blush, lipstick, or eyeliner without testing different products.Meanwhile, a Walmart store in New York is becoming the "store of things to come" by incorporating the most recent AI innovation. The store's brilliant cameras will have the capacity to caution workers when things are unavailable and even told them when a lot of bananas has turned sour. Giving a Customizable Retail Experience Artificial intelligence is being utilized for everything from planning packages in warehouses to upgrading security to making an altered encounter for consumers.One organization that is conveying solutions to retail and security is VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY) (OTC:VSBGF). VSBLTY is at the bleeding edge of making AI work in the retail space, creating imaginative facial acknowledgment programming and intuitive computerized screens that will give retailers a large number of AI features.VSBLTY's VisionCaptor content administration framework carries intelligent messages to any advanced screen and gives experiences on client socioeconomics and enthusiastic states, permitting commitment with purchasers in genuine time.By directing visitors' consideration with dynamic advanced presentations, custom substance can be given dependent on what the showcase camera "sees," while increasing important bits of knowledge progressively. Through drawing in computerized resources, for example, activitys, photographs, recordings, and media content, VSBLTY programming makes a total client experience through advanced presentations, which can be used on the way centers, diversion and sports scenes, markets, drug stores and, truly, any retail environments.What's more, VSBLTY's VisionCaptor can be coordinated with different technologies, including RSS channels, QR codes, and Bluetooth."Using Edge-or potentially Cloud-empowered computerized show solutions, retailers would now be able to improve visitor involvement in nearness mindful, intelligent brand informing set off by segment, personality or even assessment, while at the same time increasing earth shattering degrees of estimation and noteworthy bits of knowledge," as indicated by the organization's site. Offering Enhanced Security Features VSBLTY has likewise evolved AI solutions that improve security.VSBLTY Vector is centered around security solutions that join video screens with facial acknowledgment programming and criminal information bases to recognize "people of interest" or people conveying weapons. Cameras are inserted in screens and can recognize people alone or in swarms more viably than overhead cameras, and can take into consideration segment and passionate acknowledgment just as facial and item recognition.By showing PCs how to ably decipher their environmental factors, VSBLTY programming can contextualize the entirety of the data about those environmental factors and convey it to the end-client reviewed and smoothed out for the specific security application.VSBLTY is traded on an open market on the Canadian Securities Exchange, OTC, and Frankfurt, with the images CSE:VSBY, OTC:VSBGF, and Frankfurt: 5VS.

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